My career and life do not deserve to be taken away without some basic level of due process
It is a great one, and really the only appropriate response to that defense. Thank you for making it!
Your GIF game... I wants it... Preshus...
Falling into vaginas?
That’s my spreadsheet! It’s so weird how a tool I have used for years has spread so far!! My son posted it on Reddit, lots of people commented and voila! It went everywhere! I originally created it because I had limited oven and stovetop space, now I use it to make sure everything is done on time and that everyone in…
From the pic and post on Facebook I thought Ben was now dating Fran Drescher. This is so disappointing and prosaic by comparison.
There’s something very 80’s pop Tiffany/Robin Sparkles about this, and it doesn’t make me mad at all.
That’s really awful.
livin the dank meme
Wow. I never liked him, but now I actively hate him. What an awful excuse for a human.
It SHOULDN’T take a familial relationship to understand how to be a decent person. Unfortunately, it often does. :\
For a lot of guys, it does, and not automatically either. This is the world we live in.
True story:
If she has children with Joe Magniello, we won’t be able to look directly at them. Like the sun.
Sorry everyone. I went through 7 (YES, SEVEN) whole pages of Perez Hilton's website combing for possible answers, and nothing fits.
There were a few others that came out around the time of the Alex Day revelation, too. Alex Carpenter, who first became famous performing Wizard Rock under the name The Remus Lupins, has been doing this shit, too. That one hit me the hardest...I've met him multiple times (starting from back in 2006, when he was…
I'm dying over here. Thanks for the much-needed laugh!
A loaf of wonder bread contains 20 slices of bread. You can get them for about $2.00 a loaf. That means that you're $60.00 and some peanut butter away from a big FUCK YOU ASSHOLE avalanche of 300 peanut butter sandwiches the next time some helpless, simpering man-child asks you how many fucking minutes you've been up.