My ex-husband was like this. He was on vacation, lounging in his bathrobe all day. I asked him to put the potatoes on. That's it. I left a note how to do it. I show up after a 12 hour day...and supper isn't started. He says he didn't know how to boil water. Oh, and he's super hungry because I didn't leave anything for…
"if a man comes home and there's no dinner on the table, and his wife is on the phone, watching TV, or on the computer ignoring him, he won't feel respected."
Yeah you're right. All white people should just STFU! Don't bother trying to be an ally to people of color or using your position of power to help create change! And who cares if her child is biracial, that doesn't give her any stake in the matter!
So what, you don't want any allies in positions of power?
Yeah, she should really just shut up and not say anything at all! That's how to solve every problem! You tell her!
What really got me was "I need to be strong for the kids that I did this for and people I did this for." She's so young! No teenager should have to feel that kind of pressure on top of everything else.
You might've resigned yourself from the topic entirely, but I thought I'd pipe in that as far as I know (articles on Kotaku about the very topic of ad revenue from Youtube) you actually need to click on an ad for that do the creator/owner of the Channel any good.
I'm gonna let Cameron surprise me. She seems to have a great sense of humor, so my fingers are crossed that she'll do the role justice.
Snooze. Wake me up when Gina Torres is cast as Wonder Woman.
Dishes are the worst
Oh god. I was at my guys house this last weekend and he was using a sock to wash his dishes because he forgot to buy a sponge. A sock. A dirty, used sock. I ended up finding an old sponge and doing all of his dishes for him.
ugh. i actually read all 40 days of this shitstorm over the weekend. i think my FAVORITE moment was on the last day when tim gave jessie a book with 40 pages of napkins, and on each napkin was something he likes about her. page, like, 27 has a little drawing of a scale, and it says...wait for it... "you're not fat."
I read the entire blog.
Today in things that bother me too much than they should: the idea that all children of divorced families are damaged, etc. They make frequent mention of Tim's inability to love/commit as a result of being abandoned by his father. It's just an accepted fact of the project. He couldn't just be an ass, it's that he's…