Geeky Girl

Literally created a troll account? Creating content IS a job, get with the times grandpa.

Did this article recently get a resurgence because this was posted in August and I'm still getting replies from people who pretty much read ONLY this comment and have been consistently telling me to fuck off.

Sooooooooo a white Jennifer Lopez?

I'm feeling a kooky Tina Fey for the role but I don't know her pipes....
Adele Dazeem would have also been awesome.

Was this Harry Potter and the 10 Years Later, cause my BFF is Ginny in this. :D (currently got a "video does not exist")

I love this method!!! I absolutely love doing this, so fast and makes laundry a breeze.

This.... happened in August, and I shut up. So I'll take that dollar please.

When the new season of arrested development came out, there was a "hire tobias funke" type website that had a bunch of Tobias on green screen for people to make whatever they wanted from him. He did a bunch of different costumes - AHHH here we go, went and found it for you. It's hilarious, please enjoy. <3 http://inser

I saw on pinterest that you can use a spoon to get the perfect eyeliner, i'm certain if you look it up you'll be able to find it. :)

That can explain this phenomenon, to myself included.

Cool, do you want to follow that up with a logical argument as to why my line of thinking is wrong? Or just had to write "fuck you pal" more than a month later to a really, really old post?

They're the opposite of Batman.

My friends and I have been tossing the idea of a non-gendered, non-discriminatory Geek Scouts, you'd get patches for normal outdoor things, but you'd also get patches for being involved in fandoms or doing cool geek stuff like building your own computer from scratch. Have NO clue how one would go about forming a

Does he not realize that youtube exists?! with thousands of "here's how to make pasta" - from the box, from scratch, made with spinach, made with sun dried tomatoes, etc. - tons upon tons of recipes!

Heh, I do the "man's" job of toilets around here while my husband does the "woman's" job of doing dishes. I will gladly wash the toilet any day to avoid doing the horror show I called "dishes" - no, NO GOD NO, NO DISHES. AHHHHHH. (I really... really hate doing the dishes.)

Well had you gone through all my posts you would have seen my basic argument laid out bare: "If you like what a certain content creator is creating, and want to see more of that content, why would you use ad block, as that might prevent them from making more content/better content?" - apologies if that isn't enough of

She basically just went through her whole music video, that was the last outfit in her video, also directly inspired by the Venus painting.

Are you talking about this particular video or in general, because for this particular performance, I know that she has recently gone through hip surgery... If it's in general then I got no answer for ya, she can at least dance better than me. ;)