Geeky Girl

I do knew Koons before Gaga, but I'm not a hater of Mz Gaga, she's at least trying compared to a lot of the shit we've got going nowadays.

Wow are we still on about this? And if you spent the time reading through everything I wrote, no, I don't always reply to everything with that, I was in a sarcastic witty retort mood the other day. Since most everyone has moved on from this convo, I have also moved onto other things. But glad to know that I struck

To be fair I'm not defending the advertisers, I'm defending the content creators who also get that point .0001 cents that add up when many people watch, and add up when many people use adblock.

Mostly I didn't have a better response than to Boo on Google, my apologies if you thought I was trolling you - I assure you I was not, I just didn't have a particularly better response because that's some hardcore shit you have to deal with.

I wasn't trying to be a troll, I was saying that it does indeed suck that Google was doing that, sorry you took it the wrong way.

Boo-urns, google, boo-urns.

Hey I'm always glad for idle chatter! Hrmmm if you go outside your bank, their might be other options that are cheaper, like maybe that similar deal but with $100 or $200 instead of $500, that's a lotta upfront cheddar lol.

Ahhh you asked the wrong person these questions.... ;D Mister 'I'll try to throw her this and see if she'll stutter' - but stutter, I shall not!

Actually I think a few of the creators at blip have mentioned this, I want to say Linkara was one of them? basically a short episode that boils down to "please disable adblocker because it affects this, my [now] full time job, and means less awesome content"

I like your descriptiveness! You know what's funny is I was talking to another user who basically has the opposite wishes, but I'm 100% with you is precision advertisement, because I'm all for less advertisements but way more direct advertising - like especially with more indie fair as well so smaller stores can get

You do have a point, I didn't clarify myself in my haste and I apologize. It is pretty easy to infer that from what I wrote - and I do know people also get found via social media, or soley via youtube (hell, I watch a ton of myself)

LOL don't you just hate that? Like you post something and you're like "shit is that red alert notice something awesome or something spiteful?" I feel you with fierce righteous indignation just on the opposite side of the issue. I appreciate your apology, I'm also sorry for anything mean/etc I said that wasn't relevant

Aka I am not trying to "make my way" in the world through said rinky-dink sketch comedy, it's the equivalent to my best friend and I staying up at a slumber party and recording a radio show in 8th grade - something silly. So, again, I'm not trying to have you click "some lousy ad" so I can "make my way in the world" -

Fair enough, I shouldn't have cussed and I realized that a bit too late, as you're right: It does disqualify the rest of the comment. I couldn't edit it to make it not so cussy but unfortunately I'll have live with that.

Wait I think we're agreeing on the same thing, with DVR the content makers already are paid, with YouTube they're not paid until the content airs, which is why it's shitty to use adblockers (for content that you actively want to watch and want to see more of) - however I don't know if it depends on clicks of the ads

Naw I'm not saying it as a "ur stupid go to ad school" way, btw, to clarify. I'm saying that if you dislike marketing/advertising/etc you should go study it and find out the stuff they don't tell you via reading internet articles (though you might do enough marketing/advertising studying in your spare time that it

I bring up my friends mostly because people assume I'm arguing for myself, trying to make oh so many "millions" in YouTube revenue, which I'm not. Some of my friends use the ad revenue, but I've never talked to them about the finances of it, I just know that making web series do cost money, and unless you want to see

I honestly don't care about the invasiveness, personally, but I know some people do so I won't argue with you there. I dislike having to watch 20 commercials for shit I don't want when I could watch one that could lead me to something I might actually enjoy. So again, won't argue with there, just providing a different

Ahhh fair enough, then you can't really quit that. Though the government puts out PSAs which are technically a form of advertising, so maybe you should quit just to be on the safe side. :-P

So you want to watch their content, but them asking for you to support them so they can continue to make more content is just too god damn much to ask? I don't think it's stupid to support the things you enjoy, hence why I go to restaurants and pay for food, and pay for movies in the theaters, or pay for Hulu/Netflix