Geeky Girl

Because those are the only two people who exist on YouTube and everything they do is representative the plethora of content makers on YouTube, right?

Tell that to anyone in sketch comedy and watch them tell you to go fuck yourself. A "real job" isn't just working in an office as a corporate drone - lots of actors/comedians/etc get revenue through their sketch comedy.

That's cool, cause screw those content creators, asking to get paid so they can continue to make more content for you to enjoy!

*clapclapclap* :) Good response. Clarifying my tone - no sarcasm, just a good response - so thank you. :D

I just heard "you don't need to concentrate on looks, you should concentrate on health." I don't know where everyone else is getting this "omg you have to have the exact perfect muscle tone" - I think a lot of people are really fucking insecure if they constantly go to that. Though to be fair, a lot of people are

I love most thing Jez, but this is shitty. It's not "now you have to look this way" - it's "instead of concentrating on looks, concentrate on health" - come on, are you really that dense? I'm a fat lady and I think that this is a GOOD phrase for those young impressionable teenagers to look up to - "maybe instead of

Yeah I think it's kind of silly to get all up in arms over this phrasing - it's not "oh hey you have to be this to be fuckable" it's "Oh hey, instead of concentrating on looks, how about concentrating on health" - are people really that dense to think it means anything else? Jesus.

That's weird. My husband really likes Natalie Portman, but he leaves that out of complimenting me. Congrats on not being with an asshat anymore ;) lol!

Whhhhhhhhhy did it get cancelled it was so freakin' good, dfkjds;fkjd;alfa. I loved this show.

Heh, just noticed I wrote "squeezed" out - I thought I wrote "skeezed" out but must not have.

I bought one off of craigslist, talked to the lady, she seemed nice, was asking $130 for a California King, we've had it for a few years and it's one of the most comfiest beds I've ever owned, and it's long enough for my tall husband to not have his feet stick out, a big deal for him as it's the first bed he's owned

There are also cash registries. We got our honeymoon (admittedly, a low cost honeymoon) paid for by family/friends - we gave them the option of a stuff registry or a honeyfund, and the honeyfund went FAST.

Not really. My husband and I didn't need much stuff, but we were able to set up a honeyfund and get our entire honeymoon paid for - something we couldn't have afford by ourselves, and both of our families were more than happy to pitch in for (it was more popular than our gif registry, as we did give them an option.)

I think women see Jon Hamm. :D

I would want to hate him, but I'd end up doing some sort of riddle challenge with him instead.

I would think the Koch brothers or people who are so rich that they're actively impoverishing entire nations would be the worst human beings alive.

Gahaha thank you for posting this picture, I've been on a RIDICULOUSLY heavy fucking flow this week. We ran out of the last of tampons the start of my period and basically this is how I felt trying to clean up the crime scene that was my body.

If you were dressed as a woman, presented yourself as a woman, and were working your way to getting some surgery to helping your genitalia match - then no, it wouldn't be a big hullabaloo, unless you're in a particularly bigoted area.

It is utterly mind boggling, this is 2013, how is this even still a thing?

ug I don't remember it off the top of my head but I swear there is some sort of little chrome applet that makes it so you can watch netflix videos anywhere, maybe someone else in this thread will know.