moistened bint

Let’s not forget that Stig comes from a very large family with cousins across the globe. Big Stig, African Stig, Australian Stig, etc...

struggling to fulfill our duty to protect and serve.”

Getting to the john just in time after a Taco Bell. 

Test drove. 

This is the picture the real estate agents doesn’t want you to see

Don’t get dumped while using your BumperDumper. 

I hear they shoot gods there.

If I understand Elon’s 4D chess correctly (and that’s unlikely, since I’m not nearly as smart as he is), first he will first tell them “GFY”, then sue them for not buying his cars? This is how one becomes a trillionaire? 

So two kids, probably both under 5, just lost their mother and grandmother? Urf. 

I can understand waxing rhapsodically about one’s first experience with a cougar.

again and again. 

There is really no other logical conclusion. 

Will Elon offer to give her a another child? I mean, now that Taylor hasn’t taken up his advances, maybe there’s space in his schedule.

Just shy of sixteen K(andles)? Let me get my sweater vest.

Air intake giving off vibes. 

We need this story from the point of view of the female passenger. 

Bet there would be a market for an S&P499 index fund, ie, SP500-TSLA.

I feel heavier and slower just for having read this. 

That’s excellent.