This is what equality looks like. There was a time when of course this would have been a boy. But the strides we have made. Brings a tear to my eye.
This is what equality looks like. There was a time when of course this would have been a boy. But the strides we have made. Brings a tear to my eye.
“This is why we need military grade weapons and hardware. We are under attack, even in our own kitchens.” - MA State Police at future legislative hearing no doubt.
Maybe, just maybe, the top tax bracket isn’t quite a high enough percentage.
Florida Man has some stiff international competition. Going to need to step up his game.
Was the Cybertruck driver off the trail “harvesting” a Christmas tree?
I had not heard of these. Watched a few. Fantastic. The techniques. The recipes. The attitude. Just delightful.
[slaps hood of EV]
Some branding folks need to come up with a way to quasi-legitimately call an EV a Hemi. I don’t know, maybe the batteries are in a hemisphere arrangement? Gold mine.
Yes, car site. But I just can’t get past Ronnie’s outfit. So much going on. Are those jodhpurs or just khakis stuffed into the boots, which would be more in keeping with the rest of the outfit? Was he just riding a horse (as he was known to do)? Why is the cap at a jaunty angle?
Dude, pretty sure that’s a Lambo.
Spririt or Frontier would never.
Surely this came up in the last Republican Presidential debate, what with it being in Alabama and everything.
Are they cigarette cars because they still have ash trays and lighters?
Call Caity. Drink them all in one visit challenge, with a few sides of mozzerella sticks.
TransTop not legal in states with Republican Governors with aspirations of higher office.
I thought he was more enthusiastic in his drilling. What with trying to re-populate the planet and everything.
The elephants must have given in and subscribed to the orca’s newsletter.
Confident Angela Merkel is on that phone’s speed dial, and she’ll pick up.