moistened bint

You’d think they’d cancel the Cars’n’Coffee because of the storm.

Maximum effusive him a little hip and shoulder a la sam kerr to a pitch invader. 

I think you mean “unscheduled rapid disassembly upon contact with target.” Learned a lot. A great success. Vodkas all around. 

This is why you shouldn’t hire civic tuners into the airline shops. They’ll straight pipe anything. 

From the people who made you think you could recycle plastic? Well, I never. 

When you really get down to it, aren’t all tags temporary? 

So Ford makes a vehicle, leaves it in a parking lot with spotty video survellience and the keys in it, and then doesn’t report them stolen when they leave the lot in the middle of the night?

New England fans heading to the first Pats game loaded up on Dunkin Spiked.

Some kind of edibles mishap. 

[pornhub quietly buys a significant equity stake in Cruise]

1. You’re an Audi mechanic; buy the car.

Very small upside - kid has a really excellent excuse never to take the trash out again. Hope he likes washing dishes. 

You better hope Lea Michele doesn’t read this. 

Sure. Lots of projection. 

Apply to hood of car.

Let’s assume for a second the first grader was really traumatized. Holy cow that kid must be having some kind of home experience to learn this. 

Tesla: Cybertrucks::Allen Iverson:Practice

We need to have an honest coversation about the problem of white (chair) on white violence.

Is Wayne Brady gonna choke anyone now? 

Who knew the Top Gear Amphibious Vehicle Research Laboratory was in Florida?