I think I saw a video of that. Charger seemed fine. Some folks might like to have a word with you about your choice of decorative paint jobs.
I think I saw a video of that. Charger seemed fine. Some folks might like to have a word with you about your choice of decorative paint jobs.
Just don’t pair it with a White Russian?
Think this is BS public policy, but 8-1 suggests the Constitution is not on the side of requiring this and won’t be any time soon. Need to fix it through political process rather than hoping for the courts.
Brake LaBreak.
Lucid, you got some ‘splaining to do.
Sure, but when I go flinging salt at a steak from standing eye level at home I just get yelled at to clean it up. Can’t put a price on having some wanker do that for you.
New Liberty International Airport does not lack for customs agents.
But still available at a Starbucks.
Make it and review it. We know you like a good casserole.
you’ve got a friend in me
I am concerned for the dog. And the other dog. Hopefully they wised up.
In a video of the incident shared online, the DHL plane can be seen skidding down the runway with its tires smoking. It then turns to the right and falls off the runway. As it hits the ground, the tail of the plane snaps away from the fuselage.
Some things should be cancelled.
I believe the operative phrase here, which seems applicable in several ways is..
May she have a long and productive career on the bench. Much emphasis on the long part.
Spirit and Frontier were coming together in a merger, but now it seems JetBlue is trying to horn in on that and is shooting its shot to get Spirit.