Everyone is pretty pumped up, if we’re just going by the expressions on the faces of the Seattle Seahawks players…
Everyone is pretty pumped up, if we’re just going by the expressions on the faces of the Seattle Seahawks players…
I’m going to argue that The Fugitive is the best Chicago Movie of recent times. The Blues Brothers is not as good as you remember it; The Dark Knight is incredible but, while filmed largely in Chicago, takes place in “Gotham”. The only John Hughes film that counts, and the only alternative I’ll accept, is Ferris…
I dunno...who do you think I am? Jolie Kerr?!?!
You sir are a soulless monster. Which, I guess, is apt.
It’s hard to disagree with you there.
They’re a stiff contender.
this is some good-ass kinja
Sad: Alex Gordon sliding and failing to make a catch in foul territory. Sadder: A section of wall padding tipping…
have you not ever been to this site before?