
Zack's missing the central dramatic question of this episode. It's not "will Carol and Maggie survive?" It's "can Carol and Maggie convince Polly to trust them, so the Neganites don't have to die?" As Carol said at the end, she wasn't afraid of being captured: she was afraid of having to kill everyone.

Rented Spectre . Ugh. Ridiculous plot, terrible pacing, totally contrived setpieces. The Daniel Craig movies seem to be alternating between stealing from the best and the worst of the Bond franchise.

Wendy's makes the best burger of any national chain, but dear lord help you if you order anything but a small. Even the small drink is like 30 oz.

It wasn't just that LOST didn't show maps, the writers and directors had no geographic sense at all. They'd do stuff like have people walk along the shore of the island with the ocean on their right, and then in the next scene they'd be continuing on with the ocean to their left. They'd head off to a place they'd

But with the proper breeding techniques and a ratio of say, ten females to each male, I would guess that they could then work their way back to the present gross national product within say, twenty years.

That's not really what's happening this time around. Doctors are getting more careful about prescribing abuseable opioid painkillers, so opioid addicts are turning to street drugs — especially heroin — in absolutely massive numbers.

SXSW and Coachella

Hi. I'm here to apologize for my fellow physicists. We're not all buzzkill douchebags like this guy.

The only thing realer than the Daughters of the American Revolution is the Daughters of the Texas Republic.

I'd go with:

Probably wishing my college physics students had done stuff like your kid is doing, so they'd have the slightest idea of how to science.

I think the problem is that Monitor Jr. wasn't tuning her instrument before putting it outside

Peeple: HA HA FINALLY! As a college professor, I've been annoyed at the existence of for years, and now all the rest of you schmucks have to deal with that sh*t!

You usually get a kid out of it once it's over!

Once again, the fewer zombies in an episode of The Walking Dead, the better it is. I kinda liked this one: it's built out of pieces of previous episodes, but they're much better pieces than "insane zombie-killing plan that will obviously go wrong " and "wandering alone in the forest like a moron".

The "plague doctor mask" is the uterus. The baby is the little white blob in the mask's eye. There's not much to see yet, Maggie's only a couple months along.

Oh, I see. You're mixing up Caleb and Nathan.

What the….?

I agree, but in a political debate you've got to call people by the names they prefer, or you end up just fighting over nomenclature and wasting everyone's time.

Does public health insurance pay for it?