The NFL doesn't have a leg to stand on here. Haven't they ever heard of the First Amendment? I think it is obvious he should be excused from this policy based on his Rastafarian heritage.
The NFL doesn't have a leg to stand on here. Haven't they ever heard of the First Amendment? I think it is obvious he should be excused from this policy based on his Rastafarian heritage.
Weigh Anything
+1 troll point
God, I am regretting pointing out how much Boston sucks. Even the fucking Massholes flaming me in this thread are just tedious instead of funny or interesting.
In honor of the incident, they are changing the name of the town from Pio XII to Henry VIII.
If you remembered that offhand and didn't have to look it up that is seriously impressive in a sick kind of way.
I agree with the sentiment and don't live in either place, thank God.
I want NFL games every night of the week!
The last time I saw a redhead go down that hard in their own zone I was watching The Canyons.
I don't doubt you're correct, sigh. They burned a first round pick on Rhodes and he can't cover a table with a tablecloth. Seeing as they will probably have the 2nd or 3rd pick they could probably trade down and still take Manziel. That way they could pick whatever garbage defensive player or lineman they would have…
Also disliking a city is not bigotry, LOL
My sister lived there for 6+ years, and I'd visit her one or more times a year for several days. Trust me, that was more than enough time to spend there. Cambridge is alright, Harvard and MIT are sweet, but the city itself should be in a dictionary next to the word "Overrated." The sports fans have an inferiority…
LOL, no man it's just that every time I've been there it sucks. It's full of townie idiots such as those in the video, and yourself, apparently, and the restaurants suck and the sports fans are insufferable.
You know, you people were much funnier in Good Will Hunting. Do you like apples? How ya like them apples? That movie is funny.
Thank you, Lars! +1
Doesn't mean those fahkers from Bahstahn aren't profoundly stupid and awful. I'm sure that second guy is super tolerant and thoughtful, though!
So dumb, +1
God, people from Massachusetts are just awful. It is the Deep South of Blue America.