Oh that’s right. Running for office is the only way to go. Working within the party on a county or state level.....naw, nope, worthless. Gotta be a candidate.
Oh that’s right. Running for office is the only way to go. Working within the party on a county or state level.....naw, nope, worthless. Gotta be a candidate.
There’s a reason why academics tend to be sneered at when talking about real world issues; they’re too caught up in what ought to happen because of theory and ignore what is actually going on.
(Sorry in advance for the wall of text, but you seem engaged, so I want to engage back because I think people who could broadly be said to be “on the Left” who disagree with each other and are struggling to figure out which way is up in the wake of the election need to have some long and complicated conversations)
The Democratic party had best do something because right now it’s doing nothing and it’s professed care about PoC on social issues doesn’t match what it does for PoC when it comes to economic issues. I don’t need politicians who say the right things about civil rights then allow employers to screw me in ways that doesn…
I definitely agree that a lot of the things Bernie is saying are washed up, but Sanders’ point about uneducated whites feeling economically disenfranchised and Trump more effectively messaging them is correct.
“Who in the hell is this Democrat-come-lately to scold Democrats on all they’ve done wrong?”
Sometimes, when I’m driving to work, I think that I’d rather have a disabling accident than live through another week of bullshit. Not the same thing? Okay, I have nothing to offer here. Bless it, as we say here.
It’s part of the Star Wars video game legacy that didn’t got cut by Disney.
Oh my god I’m so glad there’s a space for me to express how stupid this article is. It’s literally the exact same article papers have been writing about rich white kids in Manhattan since the 1920s, updated each year to include the new technology and trend.
When veteran NFL legends retire, we can just pop 'em into terminator armor and call it a millennium.
Sortland had a blanket, a cell phone and a box of Wheat Thins with him.
I'm not sure why Phil is hating on ISIS so much. They really seem like his kind of people.
"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."
The United States of America is not for black people. We know this, and then we put it out of our minds, and then…
in the back of a movie theater during a matinee showing of Black Swan
This is complete bullshit. If he didn't rape someone, he should absolutely defend himself. People are raped and it's horrible, but people are also falsely accused and that's also an injustice. These things come down to pure "he said, she said" and that's what makes them so difficult, but an innocent person…
Thank you for your tireless dedication to journalism, sir.
Cigarettes are also gluten free.