
Again, yes. It's common knowledge among us irredeemable geeks that there is a certain give-and-take to getting into B5, but the results are beyond worth it. Here's more or less how it works: it's essential NOT to watch the series pilot on account of its awfulness. The first season is still very hit-and-miss and some

Hey, it always be worse (start at 1:34)

Not to dare to criticize the holy-ediface of Nolanhood but . . .

There IS a god. It just died.

I smell Heart of Glass mash-up

Looks cool. Hey I also had this other idea, there's this other super unknown character that Ryan Reynold's MIGHT consider playing-he's the product of this underground indie company called Marvel Comics. This character is KINDA like spider-man, with a few less scruples and (maybe a couple synapses short) but with tons

Considering the distances and sheer magnitude of the cosmos involved, it seems to me this theory could do with a shave by Okham's razor.

This is silly.


Weeks and weeks of articles building up this movie, even (or especially, to be fair) the concept art . . . and then you guys tear it to ribbons. io9? I love you.

*&$&^&*%* all of reality right now. I'm off to read Lovecraft. Hey Hollywood. May Shub-Niggurath take gigantic radioactive goat-shit on your pint-sized head.

Ghost Dog, Beaucoup Fish, bad acid trips. 1999 gave my being 15 something to crunch on.

When the hyperbolic chamber couldn't do the trick, the exageration dome picked up the slack.

(sigh . .) You had me at "The main spaceship in the film will be piloted by an enormous head"