
Then by that logic is it okay to honor KKK members for their other contributions to society? Or is that not a good analogy because women really are subhumans?

Yo momma, Damon Wayans!!! (And why don't all you Cosby lovers send your daughters over to Bill Cosby for some career advice, and tell us how it goes. Eh?)

If you don't like how Amy Berg's film exposed the rampant pedophilia in Hollywood, then why don't you do a better job? I mean, would you rather nothing be done to expose these pedophiles?
EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS FILM!!!! And all of Hollywood should be boycotted by us for their unforgivable silence about these sickos!

So, when will reporters ask Camille and Evin whether they include Andrea Constand in their list of women making "false" accusations against Bill Cosby?

I think "NerdInTheBasement" was addressing Camille but forgot the comma. Like— call me crazy, amb, but maybe you need to get a life?

oops, "NerdInTheBasement" forgot to put a comma before "Camille Cosby" and you think… (oh gawd, nevermind)