
Holy shit, Lindy, I love when you reminisce! Mainly because I'm the same age (and possibly another split personality in the same person) as you. I used to think Garden State was so deep and awesome and OH! the ennui of being young!!! Now I'm like, meh, if only my biggest problem was my behavioral meds...

I used to wear thongs and I never had this problem. I actually find this kind of oddly fascinating. I'm thinking it has to be a cleanliness thing or perhaps something to do with the shape of your ass. I have a very curvy backside, and I feel like my thong rarely plummeted into the full depths of the crack.

It's not a bad tattoo concept (love Larry David), but IMHO it looks like neither Larry David nor an ant. It looks more like a Cheney Bee. In fact, if I were you I'd tell people that's what it was and just enjoy their confusion.

A pre-planned c-section and a c-section after something has gone wrong with a vaginal delivery are two VERY different things. The risks are much higher with the latter.