How dare they, they need to be as outraged as every liberal.
How dare they, they need to be as outraged as every liberal.
SJW are angry at Brady get ready for two weeks of bullshit
27 HRs in Korea is equal to about 2 HRs in MLB, maybe practice bat flips on singles
At least Mook gets paid good money for being a complete hack whats your excuse Hamilton?
How in the world is second life still around, And how fucking sad are these people.
That was completely denied by Orr himself during the press conference in fact it was the Ravens doctors who found the problem to start with. Don’t believe everything some crap writer pretends to know.
Very sad story a rookie free agent was about to hit the jackpot after all his hard work and a freak spinal cord condition ends it all. Glad the docs found it before anything tragic happened.
Hard to believe people call you a complete shit writer Hamilton
Not that hard act like a asshole get treated like a asshole, Act like a adult and you’ll get treated that way. Not rocket science but to someone living in a bubble like Hamilton it is.