This is interesting. As far as man-on-man rape goes, I think you are probably correct. I think, however, in scenarios of woman-on-man rape the victim is almost never believed- if they even come forward at all.
This is interesting. As far as man-on-man rape goes, I think you are probably correct. I think, however, in scenarios of woman-on-man rape the victim is almost never believed- if they even come forward at all.
You work for Hulu?
My son called that out from the next room whilst doing his homework. “Hey Mom, turn it down! And I thought they were trying to conserve bullets.” He can multi-task in that he can do homework and follow plot points.
If anyone’s not read the book and are curious, it’s basically blade runner crossed with noir gumshoe detective. First book is the best of the 3 (by far, IMO), but all three are worth a read.
I am getting oddly annoyed with this shows understanding of bullets. We have a whole sequence in an earlier season about Eugene wanting to build bullets because of the limited supply, which is smart. Then we have the first half of this season showing the heroes having an unlimited supply...ok, maybe the Oceanside…
Someone who wants to be misunderstood. This way Negan gets the opportunity both to test Eugene’s willingness to kiss his hand, and to appear generous explaining how he meant it as a handshake.
Ate the W. Proves he elite anything
Isosceles what you did there.
I’m sure Barry is acutely aware of his typo.
Don’t be obtuse
The Angles
True. There should be an InGen plan to use the undersea volcanoes to expand the islands free of charge. “We can geo-engineer a park twice the size at little cost!” He/she dies a firey death at little to no cost.
Translation: If you’re one of the many, many underage boys from Bryan Singer’s personal sex farm, now might be a good time to go get an AIDS test.
Justin Timberlake is also not getting the heat Kate Winslet is for being in the new Woody Allen movie.
he’s just sleeping off a ten day coke and underage twink bender
Where are all the outraged posts about Rami Malek working with him? I mean, these allegations have been around for years.
The racing looks like fun.
The spectators are why I live in the Industrial North.
But of course there’s a guy in a dick-and-balls costume within the first 30 seconds. And only twenty feet from pedobear...