It’s also a crime for a private citizen to speak to a foreign government and undermine the current administration (Logan Act).
It’s also a crime for a private citizen to speak to a foreign government and undermine the current administration (Logan Act).
Yeah, I agree with you. Liberals, and I’m one of them, think if we destroy trump we kill the monster, and while I do want trump and his family to be brought down and disgraced that’s just one part of the problem. Trump is a symptom and not the disease. I really think things will just continue to get worse.
It’s a crime to lie about it to the FBI and Congressional committees, and to ask the head of the FBI to drop the investigation, then fire him when he doesn’t.
Kruschev always said the capitalists will sell them the rope that Russia would use to hang them with.
I dunno. Considering everything that has happened, wouldn’t there be actual rioting? Also, wouldn’t the Senate have difficulty voting to impeach Pence?
Well, when you put it like that it just sounds stupid not to meddle in other countries’ elections.
They were never buying an administration; just renting a jackhammer.
What’s impressive about this story is it implies Mike Flynn was lying to the FBI about his Russia contacts while every single one of his colleagues knew the truth, which is probably how the FBI knew he was lying.
I wonder how the Russians are reacting as they realize they bought an administration that’s going to leak the whole conspiracy.
Comic Sans is fine for a comic
Democratic house selects Hillary for the speaker position, before beginning impeachment proceedings against Trump and Pence......
it’s also a quick way to identify people who are not able or willing to behave professionally.
Do the brothers get along? Because a *good* older brother who manages the store you’re about to rob together would tell you how to avoid at least some of those cameras...
He’s actually better off not going to Penn State. It usually doesn’t end well when a Young male gets involved with their football program.
Comic Sans is an easy to read font; however, it’s one of the least professional looking of fonts that fall into that category.
Really, most sans serif fonts will be better for folks with things like dyslexia, so as long as you pick such a font you’re doing ok. If you want an easy to read font that doesn’t give huge…
People hate on it because it looks like homework text on a kindergartner’s math sheet.
Couldn’t come up with anything less offensive than ‘spastic’, Chris?
That teammate? Rustin Aivers.
LOL comic sans