Well, F1 fans have been OK with one man winning 50% of the races for years. This might appeal to some of them.
Well, F1 fans have been OK with one man winning 50% of the races for years. This might appeal to some of them.
So... that’s my car. Sold it about two years ago. I daily drove it for about two years prior to that, but didn’t have anywhere to store it when I went to a newer car.
To me every single one of those is worthless. Why collect garbage?
As David found out, cities/towns have ordinances that get snag the car hoarder as well. Not just HOAs. If you really want to be left alone, you need to be out beyond city/town limits where your neighbor really doesn’t see you.
If you are going to be the worst neighbor in the universe and drive the whole neighborhood’s property values down by turning yours into a junkyard, live in a neighborhood with no HOA! Then nobody can say shit to you.
That’s a pretty cool anecdote. It seems fitting for a movie about “illegal racing” to also have a story about “illegal film production” tied to it.
Well, Firestone on a Ford SUV might still leave a bad taste in some people’s mouths.
But probably spent $20,000 on meth and custom AR-15s.
My dick’s too big to drive around in something like this......CP
The buyer who would drool over this truck didn’t spend $20,000 on his house. CP.
The Dodge Journey: The cheapest crossover for people who bought the cheapest condoms.
Yes! The one dining experience I really miss right now is going to a yakitori place and eating chicken livers and hearts to my, uh, heart’s content.
thanks, claire. i never thought about chilling the grinder.
Pure coincidence. Southern crackers tie all their knots like this out of habit.