
exactly. Ragnar exists right on the cusp of the medieval history we know as true and legend. The people who came the generation after him (Rollo: duke of Normandy, Ivar the boneless, the people in Wessex and Paris are all real people. We KNOW they existed).

Yeah I took it too as happening inside of the missionary's mind instead of Aslaug. I didn't mind it. One of the running themes in this season is the hubris of pretending to know the will of the gods. Floki has been living testament to that this season, so I didn't mind it from a Christian perspective.

honestly, blame in military operations depends on the whims of them men. Picket caught the blame in the aftermath of Gettysburg for the failed charge the last day, despite "Picket's Charge" completely being General Lee's plan. Because no one's going to blame Robert E. Lee for the failure. I suspect (and Ragnar

am I the only one who wasn't 100% thrilled with the ending?

Kids do that though.