i also hate them. i like to use the return key like punctuation and the DOUBLE SPACES do not make me feel good
i also hate them. i like to use the return key like punctuation and the DOUBLE SPACES do not make me feel good
Kinja, these enormous blank spaces between sentences are wholly unnecessary. Please take us back to where we were before.
Yeah, I see what they were going for, but in their defense, it would have taken at LEAST another half an hour to find a person of color in Portland to run that name by.
The producers definitely told Caila, “Hey, wouldn’t it be awesome if you went over and surprised Ben this morning?”
It’s worth noting that a lot of instagram filters put yellow tints over photos (which is often flattering and vintage-y looking), but yellow and purple are complementary hues, and mixing them will turn the color muddy and brown-ish. Seeing the makeup (that’s pretty obviously purple and glittery) in other photos makes…
does she? do you have any pics? i need them for... uh... science.
To be fair if you see the whole post that guy put up and the context it is not what it seems. He says this in response to those defending the piece of shit rapist and he is not referring to any of the victims in the cases here. I mean, he shouldn’t have said it like that but basically he was arguing that these victims…
I love how so many of us thought of that Cartman moment.
You seem to not understand how bias works. If the system existed to screw everyone that would be draconian but not biased.
Yeah, I'd say that's the thing though. We know shit is fucked. But somewhere, in OK no less, the system worked and put a serious dickbag behind bars. It's a celebration!
What’s the confusion?
HAAAAHAHAHAHA yesss yesss, your tears, they give me strength....
I wondered if it was intentional on the part of the producers to highlight how vocal the other two minority women were against Jubilee, because their opinions got a lot of airtime.
No that is what Netflix and chill mean. 100%.
I hate when I get here before the other commenters...