"Should have hired Elon Musk ;)"
"Should have hired Elon Musk ;)"
I don't know... at least Belfort isn't pretending he's not a crook.
I love these Doug DeMuro CarMax posts. It inspired me so I drove a CarMax BMW 1-Series last night. Prices are actually very close to the dealerships... I just can't decide if I want to pay for the warranty? I'm not sure it would pay for itself on a 1-series?
Completely agree! While this is technically not on eBay it is less than $20k at $19,995. I think I need to buy it.
Ha! Following these comments you can probably guess who's a dealer and who has had to deal with car dealers.
Updated my avatar! I love it!
Seems strange to have a big city with 0 civilians. It makes sense in BF4, like everyone evacuated because war was coming. But I think they missed an opportunity to add a new gameplay element.
My favorite: After you finally agree on price (probably written diagonal-coolguy style and with a Sharpie) you spend the next two hours of your life moving from the salesman's office to the manager's office to the finance guy's office to the service office. Each stop you get to repeatedly tell them no to the…
I wonder how many people will dive in front of these things to test the pedestrian avoidance, the foam front end, and Google's payout.
But high-altitude isn't so helpful in a CAS situation like Robert's Ridge. (I'll be nice and not bring up the F35 gun calibration issues and what a few degrees of error would have done in that particular CAS situation) Let's just say different aircraft for different purposes. That said, I do believe the Air…
I never thought the retiring of the A-10 was so much anti-A10 but further proof the AF is in WAAAAAY over their head on the F35 program. The A-10 is a high profile symptom of the dangerous world view that too many GO's are betting their careers on. They are starting to see airpower and the Air Force as an end by…