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    That’s a penis.

    They diluted their announcements by staggering news throughout the year with several Nintendo Directs. The gamesthey announced wasn’t disappointing, but maybe the delivery was.


    Of course it is? It’s scandanavian, no?

    Oh jesus, stop being fuckin contrary for the sake of it. You know what he means. He paid got it at 50% off and then the next day it was 75% off. Yes, the sale is designed to make you impulse buy, it’s still annoying.

    I think this is only what white guys think!

    Or they could just call her ‘Link’. I mean, it’s not as though Link is a traditionally male name...

    I don’t really like that this story has been poached by Kotaku implying it’s somehow only relevant to a nerd-pop-culture audience.

    Who thinks cosplay is glamorous? This is by far the weebiest article yet. So cringeworthy.

    The women don’t come with any accessories because they don’t have a personality to exemplify.

    I thought this was a bong.

    I can’t believe those hacks get to be minifigs

    One, please.

    Right. The point of this is that neither is pre-selected.

    Photoshop or not, if you’re going to document your transition that’s the photo you want.

    Is this The Onion now? Good.

    Stop trying to make memoirs happen, Gretchen. They’re not going to happen.

    This just reminds me that, even though the numbers are poor, Nintendo is a powerhouse still. At least half the sales chart both weeks is theirs.

    I was just thinking that! On a roll today. The Chrome/RAM one is great.

    I’d love if this was confirmed by the writers. This would just absolutely cement the kind of thing I have a hard time explaining to friends why I love Mad Men so much.