Just change balls to force and we have a winner!!!
“I think that James Gunn doesn’t need defending because nothing really has happened to him other than being fired”
Might I ask what you would suggest as the more productive approach to this situation?
I feel like you’ve rather missed the point of the updates. It isn’t about helping Gunn or repairing his image. No one is raising money for him or anything. The point of the updates is to keep track of a story that has been misreported or misrepresented in many places and that is in danger of falling to the wayside in…
It’s as though you don’t see the broader meaning of this beyond what it has done to James Gunn.
so you can dish it but you can’t take it? got it.
Meanwhile, yes, there are people in need - Racial minorities, gender minorities, ethnic minorities, the economically disadvantaged - who would LOVE to have groups of people pushing their cause every single day, relentlessly who will NEVER get this much attention.
thanks for your Star i posted a similar reply directly to Marsh’s comment...twice... and both times they disappeared...
Ahh thank you. Yah, i’m on the keep the Gunn train going.c Also it is very easy to ignore comments, even if Kinja makes commenting here incredibly annoying.
oh sure Marsh is angry that some people here at IO9 want to defend and keep peoples attention on the whole James Gunn debacle....He apperently thinks that since James Gunn is white and rich he doesn’t need anybody defending him....apprently only minorieties are allowed to be persecuted...
Yesterday was a bit of a rollercoaster in the news, with a Twitter rumor reporting that Gunn’s script was going to be tossed, and then the Hollywood Reporter putting up an article saying the opposite, as well as hinting at the possibility of Gunn’s return. Checking around, a few different sites have some very…
I’m only posting this as a reply to Marsh, as my original seems to have vanished. Possible Kinja, I suppose. Possible.
Still, losing your job because some right-wing internet nutjob dredged up tweets from a decade ago is beyond ridiculous. Disney got played and the troll got what he wanted.
the judge should order them to tweet “croatoan” and delete the account
I will never not take the chance to post the best watermelon video ever.
Dave continues to prove he’s a stand up righteous dude who doesn’t fuck around.
I bet they were happy when Drago killed Apollo in Rocky IV.
This is now beyond the pale. I can see IO9 refusing to cover the actual facts of this story and tut-tutting over “apalling” tweets, but refusing to mention that an actual RAPIST got someone fired in bad faith for tweets that The Mary Sue dragged him over AND forgave him for 6 YEARS AGO?
So, yesterday’s Guardians of the Galaxy cast letter blew up a bit, and it’s not hard to find a couple dozen articles out there covering it, so I won’t be posting all of them.