Afro Pig

I'm trying to convince my boyfriend to watch it. He's not into watching movies for a joke, but I feel like The Protector is something to be experienced. From what I recall, there's a scene where there's subtitles and dubbed English. How could that happen?!

The Strangers. A very loud woman was utterly frightened by the whole thing and what made me so happy were her exclamations. "no no don't go in there!" and "he's gonna die!" I typically would hate this, but I think these were her genuine reactions, not just playing for th crowd.

I thought that Boom Boom Boom Boom's lyrics were only Boom Boom Boom Boom Bang Bang Bang Bang.

I was lucky that my brother and I were playing it together. So if he got bored or tired, I'd take over and vice versa. I might not have had the will either if I didn't have a partner for the tedious stuff.

"diva parade" Gave me a good chuckle.

Didn't FF4 have the lunar whale? This is just from a vague memory so if I'm wrong, well, whatever.

Why were there porno mags? Just oddball stuff…

This happened to me. Except I started the game over again. Ah, youth and wasted summers.

My thoughts exactly.

They're not skippable on Steam. But they have a nifty "hi-speed" mode which makes it a little more bearable.

I loved that breezy song

Ha i'm just in the middle of playing this again. As I mentioned in another thread, the last time I played it was when I was 13. And Squall was cool and older than me so I thought that maybe that's how older, cooler people probably acted. Time has shown me that Squall is totally not as cool as I thought he was. Yeeeesh.

Been playing FF8 because I got it as part of bundle that Square Enix was giving out for a fiver. I think the last time I played it, I was 13. Squall has now transformed before my eyes into an utterly insufferable whinypants.

I have a stupid memory of really really not wanting to watch Saving Private Ryan for my sister's birthday. So, in protest, I closed my eyes during the beach scene and willed myself to sleep. I slept through the whole thing.

I went through a very annoying login process just to comment about that. I love that song.

Yeah, I wondered is this for that "older" TV Land audience? Either way it was weirdly fun to see that happen.

Diane Rehm. That was seriously from left field.

That's some fine trivia right there.

NO. Say it ain't so.