Afro Pig

I felt proud and stupid when it dawned on me that this was Saved by the Bell. I guess I watched too much of that show as a kid.

I'm so glad to hear this show has been renewed.

I'm gonna miss this show so much

I board this Wiig wagon too. Although she actually made me laugh a little in this movie (which surprised me).

The little Settle For Me tune really did my heart in. This is a whiplash show when it comes to emotions.

That's really interesting. I have a weird habit of not looking at mirrors in the dark because of a story my dad told us when I was little. Basically, if you look into a mirror at night, you'll see your true self. In his story, the guy saw a skeleton. I know it's not true, but I don't think I've ever properly looked


“What mental disease is this?”

I'm not too angry this time around but generally bothered, I guess?

That's great about work! (PS must meet. I've been rubbish.)

Waiting to play the 3rd Uncharted game. My brother and I live in different locations so I was waiting for him to finish 2 before I started 3. He is now done and I am now excited. Also, casting your games onto YouTube is very fun.

‘The Penniless Beggar of Gwanju’ delivery gave me a good chuckle.

Ah yes Oz. I quite liked her in that.

This isn't really a character but the guy who does the voice for Lemongrab and other characters. It's just so grating and he stutters so much that it really bothers me when I watch the shows he's on. I really like Rick and Morty, but Morty's voice can get on my nerves. Now, Rick I can handle, but the stuttering tends

I didn't even know this was the episode of the season. Guess I wasn't really paying attention to the show while watching.

I don't know why, but I'm having a hard time processing this information. Usually I think "Oh that's a shame" or "wow, this person was old" when a celebrity dies, but this?!

After lots of soul searching, I came to the conclusion that this is my favorite song.

Nearly forgotten!? That is a shame if true. It's one of my favorites, played at an age when certain games make a lasting impression.

yay Z nation gets some love!

hehe, K-Mart John Legend. Basically nowadays the only thing I look forward to in Empire is the snarky commentary.