Afro Pig

Did I just get linked to the Daily Mail???

I feel like that's the weakest aspect of JtV, that friend.

Whoa, I forgot he had/didn't have ALS.

I thought it was pretty funny. But then again I watch Nathan For You.

It was always a nightmare when the 'Led Zepplin' hour would start. Long car ride ahead.

That's what the stupid radio station always said! gah

I can't listen to or stand Led Zepplin because of my dad. He'd blare it when picking us up from elementary school.

I feeeeel bad for Rafael. And I'm not even really on his team or whatever. Darn this show.

Mr Bumpy! For some reason my mom bought us 3 kids toys of each of the characters. I got Squishington.

I watched this at work (small screen to the side, doing some admin) and keep slinking down in my chair as the sequence went on.

I know it's fairly old news, but I like that the abuela is illegal. It feels like a real life issue, especially for a place like Miami.

All I could think was "If this guy is so rich, what's he doing buying stuff at Target???"

This is one of the best interviews I've read on this site.

I have yet to see the full episode or read the review but I just wanted to say thank God Jane is back.

True. It is based on Gina's opinion. I guess I have a soft spot for good reliable ol' Brian.

Brian and AJ carried the music. Nick brought the girls. Apparently before they met with the Swedish dudes, Howie was meant to be the lead singer. My mom liked Kevin so maybe he had older appeal? Anyway, I'd say BSB had 2 duds while Nsync had 3.

I know the horn was meant to be a tense part, but I'm pretty certain that someone in real life would have had a very snarky and rather annoyed response to Glenn's "it's a horn or something."

The long pan really annoyed me. I even got closer to the computer screen. I feel a fool.

Sweet I just joined the forum. Same name as disqus. Never knew this existed…

Don't often get AV Clubbers round these parts (that I know of), so would be glad to meet up.