Afro Pig

Yep I work around Hyde Park which is pretty alright considering the weather has been pretty great recently. Rumor is it'll last for two more weeks! You settling in well?

Yeps. Just wanting to switch over to a new job in another field. A recruiter made me feel like my case isn't completely hopeless which is always a boon.

That's kinda cool. Maybe MORE sweating then!

Weeeeird. I'm gonna check it out then.

I just have to keep that in mind. Thanks for that :)

That's sad to hear :/ My condolences.

My boyfriend is going through a battery of tests right now to find out what's up with him. He's getting pretty frustrated/worried about it.

What's that last one about? I like bizarre.

The Descent. 28 Days Later.
Hurrah for Halloween time!

I'm bad at that! The sweating doesn't help.

I have an interview! But I'm scared!

I lost your number so it's Disqus I'm afraid.

I love those pumpkins. We're back on good terms.

Do not speak ill of candy corn, Office Meow Meow Fuzzyface!

I just read the review for the latest Simpsons episodes and then this one. Now I feel sad.

I say that a good deal now.

"But there was this great bit in it you see, there was this girl, and then you find out it's not a girl, but a MAN!"

Wow, I didn't think people actually (dare I say it) liked this show. It just seemed to kind of exist. I'm scrolling through various quotes and chuckling. Thanks AV clubbers. Bringing up some stupid, fun memories. Kinda miss Doctor Weird's antics.

I thought I had missed something there in the episode. Like he hit a player that was against the Marlins or some well-known a-hole that fans didn't like. Why else would the audience cheer so loudly? Nope, just a poor photographer.

Thanks, well-wishes are always very much appreciated. I get the feeling they're gonna pull the job. Happened to me once before. Can't pin all my hopes on one job, but this one is actually one that I got very excited about.
I hate hope. Ahh not really. But can't help but think that sometimes in these kind of situations.