Afro Pig

I don't know what to dooooooooo with my liiiiiife!
That's all for now.

I hate cover letters. Everything always sounds so generic.

OH wow I didn't know Ian Jones Quartney worked on this! I used to read his RPG World webcomic waaay back when. Cool to see he did get to be an animator in the end and work on cool stuff. That's nice.

Love the sonic dash.
Love this mythology. The visuals brought me to the show and I quite like what they've built so far.
The animation has been kinda weird (not in a bad way) lately. Like when Garnet appeared from fusion, she looked sorta wacky. Any reasons?

I'm having a think about moving into the media industry somehow hence the comment about networking. I made the mistake to kinda sorta not really do that. You're miles ahead then :) If you ever need any London life tips, happy to give info!

The annoying part of my week is over! I can relax for a little bit!

I don't wanna meet up with someone at the moment cuz I wanna go home and eat. Also, I have a job interview for a job I'm not really certain I want. I have to figure out how to sneak out of work for it now. It's kind of stressing me out.

Tis difficult and make sure to network like crazy while you're doing postgrad work. I managed to eke through and am on a Tier 2 visa, but it was easier back then. Get a job you like right off the bat because switching to another job while on a Tier 2 is horrendous. Good luck!



We talked much of Liz Lemon.

Well, that's going to take a few years to fix. Good luck?

We may lose a client! Which is really awesome cuz they're killing me but also pretty horrible because that's not good for business. I'm not sure how to feel.

I joined a meetup group to talk about TV! My life feels a little bit better.

Winston is the best part of New Girl. He needs to be appreciated! And be in more things.


I know I have a few but I tend to not think about them. If I break up with my current boyfriend now, I KNOW that I'll never be able to listen to Raspberry Beret ever again. Which would seriously suck.

So close to turning this episode off. I hate Lemongrab's horrible voice.

What an odd way for the character's storyline to end.