Afro Pig

Good move.

Wow, I didn't know spoony bard was a thing. I remember reading it and thinking "oh ok. this must be an insult I don't get."

Hey amusement parks can be romantic!

I entered because I just want a free meal. That means I'm TOTALLY gonna win.

I kinda thought the same thing about the bathroom chat. But when Annalise came out I felt much better. Stupid dialogue, great entrance.

I want March to be now.

hahaha that's the nicest/meanest thing I've read about puppies today. At least with the Puppy Bowl, the pups are a screen away.


I'm also having a hard time meeting people where I am and I've been here for a full year. It's really bugging me that I can't just text someone to hang out. It's all acquaintances and stuff. I'd join a club but some of them are expensive and I'm trying to pay off these loans. People with similar interests, please find

I wanna read more but that's not going well. I have The Disaster Artist waiting for me.

Best of luck to you. And agreed on the moving home bit. Murder/suicide looks bad on a CV.

Aw, man. Sorry to hear. How long you been looking?

Puppy bowl puppy bowl! I can finally see it on TV this year!

There's this fake roast stuff I bought to replace a real turkey for Thanksgiving. It's so good and I can't stop dipping it in Baconnaise.

What will the auditions be like?

Never too early to eat. Just don't call it lunch. That usually makes me feel better.

There's client that me and another person work on. We keep doing lots more work on it with little recognition and more responsibility. No raise. My work colleague is pretty fed up and so am I. I wants to burn the project down in flames.

Being close to a gym is always a big selling point.