Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:
A 5-second violation is for in-bounding the ball and the ball was in-bounded. Next time understand the rules before you try to put blame on the refs/commissioner.
Maybe there’s a market for velcro shoes outside of overweight Trump rally attendees.
Well, at this point, the United States are kinda the Knicks of the world.
Who the fuck does James Dolan think he is with “we hope he gets some help soon.” Oak is a fucking legend and Dolan is a fucking joke. This organization is a dumpster fire. I’d rather see Trump own the Knicks.
I’m sick of these entitled thugs. Where is the leadership in their community? Where are the fathers to teach them humility and grace?
starred for Rice Pilaf. I can’t with that.
Rice Pilaf was on Meet The Press this morning and he kept repeating that these 7 countries were named by the Obama admin as the most dangerous to the US (because Obama wanted this ban too, obvs) and when asked why Saudia Arabia wasn’t on the list, re: 9/11, he said ‘maybe they will be down the road, who knows, and…
He knows who got him elected (“disenfranchised” uneducated white america) so doing something like this won’t affect his main voting block and will be viewed as “keeping his campaign promise” within that block. As a matter of fact, when the courts overturn it (rightfully), he will probably construe it as some…
Is it? Look at them, not a forward thinker in their bunch. Bunch of me-first assholes.
Have you ever considered *not* playing advocate for literal devils?
Irsay: “There were really just too many bumps to ignore here.”
They show that charlatan after every Cowboys score but he was conspicuously missing after the the GW FG. It was the only shot I wanted to see.
Jimmy Johnson already blamed it on the boat at halftime.
Well the WSJ does have a paywall. Just another example of systemic oppression of the poor.
make that two walls
I thought Trump promised the Mexicans would be kept out…