People were fine with Pusha T making light of Whitney Houston’s demons, so is it because Kobe a man that people think it went too far?
Who is to blame if other people are bullying her kids? If you’re saying it’s her, that’s some fucked-up shit.
No, she runs a daycare. But I’ve been a teacher for 35 years, and I’ve met some dumb ones. I’m sure there are people who think I’m one of the dumb ones. Dumb people are everywhere...even people who are very good at a complex job can be pretty dumb outside their field.
Yeah? What of it? She’s at least as smart as Trump, and she hasn’t hurt anyone with her stupidity other than herself. Some people donate to help helpless dumb animals. Other people donated to help her. Is there really much of a difference?
Look that really anything to be upset over? Remember that billionaires got trillions in tax cuts and Republicans a bitching about unemployed waitresses getting a couple thou so their kids don’t starve.
I just think its strange that people are immediately distrustful of the black actor who speaks up and only feels there is something to be believed when a white woman shares her own story about the same person.
The reason people like this get away with so much for so long is that the majority of people, the majority of the time, don’t deliberately distort reality for shits/giggles/power, so we aren’t used to being treated that way.
I had a boss when I was first starting my career that was like this. She would do so many things to sabotage me but when I would speak up or try to draw attention to it I just came off as “negative” and someone who was rocking the boat. Like Fisher, when I would file complaints or take it up the chain, I couldn’t…
I’m not the person you’re replying to, but there really just... weren’t any? He had exactly one specific complaint about racism that he’d heard second hand and turned out to be an entirely misunderstood conversation about color correction, according to multiple witnesses.
I just remember Fisher’s accusations being very vague. Basically “I suffered abuse and shouldn’t be treated this way” and I remember thinking “treated what way?” And then he made another statement that didn’t really provide any additional details. It was just a drip drip drip of anger at the studio, at executives, at…
Fisher was also probably subject to far more aggressive NDA language about what he could and couldn’t say about his time on Justice League. The lack of details was probably due to fear of saying anything specific enough for WB and DC to take action against him. Carpenter’s specifics are much more personal and arguably…
I think it’s not a product of intelligence or logic. It’s bias. If you aren’t constantly checking your bias, it’s easy to ignore sources of facts if they don’t fit your opinion.
It’s a huge problem.
Conservatives making political capital out of Naomi Wolf being abjectly wrong doesn’t mean Naomi Wolf was right, especially when her defence of being wrong provides conflation for even worse people to point to.
Eh, if we’re honest, we’ve all got a streak of meanness and some selfishness. The trick is to acknowledge and move past it when necessary but not to subsume the self.
Then you differ in your opinion from me. I like the first album, the collab album, and the one she did with the Black Keys producer. I personally don’t care for anything she has done with Jack. I don’t think they are good songs. Some of her songs are amazing. Not all. My opinion. You are entitled to yours. :)
this is like the thing where you hear everyone talk about how reality TV shows suck and are pointless yet they have the highest ratings of anything. There’s PLENTY of people who were fooled, in and outside of NY, even if you don’t hear from them.
The Apprentice was a stupid show. But I really think it had a lot to do with Americans thinking that Trump would actually be a good boss. I, for sure, think that a lot of people took it to mean that he was, in real life, successful. And because they watched it every week they felt like the “knew” him. Ugh. Remember…
But given how quickly these campaigns move these days, it’s not hard to imagine HBO Max being put under pressure to remove the entire episode of Fresh Prince with the Trump cameo because “Trump bad.” I hate to use the “slippery slope” argument but...