Yes. Yes she was.
Yes. Yes she was.
Except that, you know, not even in the original Japanese Goku was as retarded as he is in “Super”. Both the anime and the manga.
this hyperbole is fun and all but Toriyama has shown that he’s a pretty flexible artist. his art style has changed greatly over the years. he’s just settled into a new style.
I don’t think that is a stretch of the imagination, either way, it is a poor art decision, especially when the joke is that it’s the same gun, it should’ve been drawn the same.
Nah, keep to your guns. If the joke were pushed to the extreme - either a more intimidating-looking guard or a table full of a lot more weapons - the joke would’ve worked better. And the silencer’s changing size is inexcusable.
I don’t feel that that comes across in the comic at all. He’s looking at a single guard whose back is turned to him, and then the next panel flips perspective which is disorienting. We see a table with an assortment of items that seem like overkill for a solitary guard. And then in the last panel the way the gun is…
I’m cool with jokes that reference obscure things. That can heighten humor for an intended audience, as long as there’s an underlying joke that is good. “Jokes” that are simply “Haha, this thing that we both recognize that maybe other people don’t, amirite?” are not funny. Way too many of these trend towards the…
-If you need to translate a film, you lose the natural acting in its translation. And learning the language means it’s exclusive, not inclusive.
-Caviar eating is judged by other, pretentious Caviar eaters. You can buy it for less than five dollars at a grocery store, but you’ll get laughed at for not buying the fancy…
Totally agree with your post. But that Galvatron makes me angry. I am more of a classic Megatron than Galvatron guy. He kind of fell apart for me when he was resurrected.
Know your audience though..I wouldn’t sing my Police/Naxramas mashup anthem “ Dont stand so close to.. the fucking fire” for a non Wow be fair maybe kotaku needs to pick which days cartoon to use.
I honestly hope that now that the first part of the game is out, Homestuck is over, and the fervor has died down that Hussie gets the rest and relaxation he needs and starts on something new in earnest. I can’t wait for the day shows up in my RSS feeds again...
Chocolate coated umber hulk.
Pork from an orc?
With TAZ fanart, I always keep in mind what Griffin has said since the beginning: There is no set “canon” for what any one character looks like. Even Barry Bluejean’s Tom Arnold lookin’ ass doesn’t need to look like Tom Arnold if you don’t want him to.
I was very clear in saying that the idea of a mainstream/newbie friendly RTS is not going to look like what is traditionally considered to be an RTS.
Yeah, can we please stop holding literally the most influential gaming personality on literally the largest video platform accountable for his constant terrible bullshit? That seems like the decent thing to do, to me, a decent and sensible person
I would like to remind everyone not to reply to bigots who are inevitably going to swarm the comments, all that does is push them to the top of the comments. Do not ungrey suspicious comments and make sure to check if they’re not burner trolls (Trolls that only make a handfull of comments form a burner account.). If…
I know people will be quick to complain about “virtue signaling”, but I believe that: