History has seen many brave explorers, facing unknown dangers in a dark and lonely world. But all of them are…
Yeah, I can't really watch a video of someone abusing their animal. What a fucking bitch.
No joke, jeez! No denying there are some mean, mean animals out there, but if you hit it, it's going to start defending itself.
Yeah. This video made me kinda mad. Of course your cat is an asshole if you hit him all the time.
I have a feeling she is a major part of the problem.
Stop fucking slapping and hitting the cat, you asshole!
Yay! Jezebel brings us together again. We should find medical students who will study us.
You don't fuck with the Russians, not even if you're a duck. (And I say this as a Russian.)
I basically whatsapped my brother the whole damn thing until he rang me and was like "Wookie - stop texting me! I'm at work"
I made my boyfriend come upstairs and sit next to me (he was downstairs) after I read that one bc I was too scared to be alone. I am usually not a wuss, but that story freaked me the hell out.
That story is from Sorcia McNasty. She reposted it last year (by popular demand) and offered up a few theories. Spoiler alert: they were all creepy as hell.
That was hands down my favorite one!
Yes! Why do our eyes water when we think about good ghost stories? This always happens to me and the few times I've brought it up people didn't seem to share the experience. It's such a weird, yet totally reliable physical reaction that feels completely unconnected with one's emotional state.
Also: Our house is totally haunted and I would tell you the story but I want to win the Halloween story contest this year.
People who torture/hurt animals for fun could easily be psychopaths so your buddy was probably right. You can possibly report them to a park ranger and, since the feds have lots of laws about messing with wildlife in parks, they could get in trouble!
Serious question, because I have been known (very, very rarely, but known) to sort of...red out with rage and punch someone in the face, how did you not shove them over the edge too?
I saw two morons like these buffoons kick a chipmunk off the side of Nevada Falls in Yosemite. I felt so much disgust for humanity at that moment. It seems two more of them exist...