A Friend Called 5

You know what? Even after the fuckups and the lies what amazes me is the fact that this fucking idiot couldn't even get it together enough to bury the dogs and hide the fucking evidence. How fucking stupid do you have to be?

Yes, I kept wondering why she was frantically pacing about. She was deeply worried about something.

Mom seems a little stressed out in that video, doesn't she?

This image needed to be enlarged... Those eyes... that tongue...those ears!!! What the fuck is going on??!? This shouldn't be possible.

You're entitled to your opinion and you are hardly the only one who feels that way. Some people just want to vent and shout down differing opinions.

infuriates you because you missed it, or because you have ethical objections to it?

I'd say Jack Nicholson.

Yeah, that's not a sanctuary.

Exactly. A real animal sanctuary seriously limits the time that even the most experienced staff spend with these wild animals. They are NOT pets, and they are certainly not photo props.

That is horrible and idiotic. I'm so wary of animal 'sanctuaries' that do things like this. The people who patronize these places just assume everything is safe because it's called a sanctuary. I know of places like these where the people working with the animals have no experience or expertise with the animals at

Isn't it everything?

This. If it were really some mix up, they would be eager to clear their name and disavow the scathing Yelp reviews. Businesses will often contact Yelp reviewers who write miserable reviews and try to make it up to them in hopes of a revised review.

Sounds like they are all drunks there from the Yelp stuff. Someone accuses them of sockpuppeting the good reviews, too.

I remember so much of this. The 5% chance of needing surgery due to cancer/unidentifiable cells. The surgery, in which I had a 5% chance of it actually being cancer. The call that told me it was cancer.

I recently found three lumps in my right breast. I went in and got an ultrasound since I was "too young" for a mammogram and was told that it looked "concerning." I'm scheduled for cancer testing next Thursday and I am scared shitless. I dont have healthcare at all. And to top it all off, guess how old I am?

For years, I've followed a methodical cancer prevention regimen. Meet with a doctor regularly, review my family

I love your screen-name.