stereotypes of Chinese culture...
stereotypes of Chinese culture...
Modding died in pretty much every genre because game producers decided it wasn’t best for them financially. Screw the gamers.
Letting users create content for your game makes it harder to move them to your carbon copy sequel you rush out the door next year.
Oh wow developers making good decisions that will lead to a longer-lasting, more fulfilling experience with their game instead of watering everything down in order to make it “family-friendly”?
I played Jedi Academy when it first came out, and at one point I played it “competitively” (just played casual public ladder tourneys with my clan).
I played Jedi Academy when it first came out, and at one point I played it “competitively” (just played casual public ladder tourneys with my clan).
Fuck. Yes. We cannot get too many Dark Souls games. Thank god there are still games out there that give us an actual challenge and thank god other companies are realizing the DS series’ originality and cashing in. We need mooooaoorrrrrr.
adding new cutscenes and overhauling Chapter 13
Ya. And while this is my opinion, I think your review is completely absurd and the only way you can form an opinion like that is if you’re paid to or you’re in denial. The game was flat-out terribly designed, buggy mess. Period. You can tell me shit tastes wonderful and that’s your opinion, but that doesn’t mean your…
How in the world is this store not dead yet? I don’t get it. You can order anything online and get it pronto. Or, you can just go to Target or Walmart and not deal with these assholes.
It wasn’t long ago when I jumped back on DAoC and Ultima Online just to see what has happened in all these years. I played them back around when they first came out and I was in my early teens or so. I went back to the old spots I always hung out around when I was younger.
Ah here we go again. Modern day game development. Gotta love it.
but I feel like whatever magic it had will be diluted by this episodic thing they’re going to try with it.
More games need to take risks like this.
Like, seriously, everything about that game is nearly perfect.
Does imagining me smashing my keyboard in anger make you feel better? It’s cute that you can conjure up these things based on text on a site.
Its cool to see how “bare-bones” everything actually is before all the fancy effects and dynamic graphical stuff gets “layered” over and it and make it look awesome.
“You can’t complain about things you enjoyed that were changed because others irrationally complained about it.”
Welcome to a world where people complain about things that are only “mistakes” to people who aren’t intelligent enough to understand that they aren’t “mistakes”, and yet companies will bend to their will because they’re loud and will affect your sales.
“Projection” is going to be the new word the left throws at everything so they don’t have to engage in actual debates.