I espcially love his quote, ‘not all Republicans are racist but if someone is racist, he/she is probably a Republican.’
I espcially love his quote, ‘not all Republicans are racist but if someone is racist, he/she is probably a Republican.’
Well written!
Lol ... this movie will make approx $598,239 on opening weekend.
Is that Chappie?
Why was the PC version said to be the lead port for the game when in fact, it turned out not to be optimized at all for the PC?
$30 is a lot?!
I bought it on day 1 ... which I swore I would stop doing but damn, I am glad I did. I have been playing Sim City since the first game (oh those beloved boxes of R, C, and I) ... and I can tell you that this game is downright amazing. It plays amazingly well, looks, and sounds great too!
dude- it's awesome.
that's too bad ... and i was just thinking about giving the game a go again ... but as a jungler with Volibear, i don't think i will.
He's one of the STRONGEST interviewers/debaters on TV.
I keep hearing the PC version is a shotty port at the moment?
As gamers, we should know by now to wait a few months before picking up a game like this- reason why? More and more, these sort of the games need extensive patching after their intial release.
Yeah, I am supposed to be a kick ass assassin but I die from 2 spiders on easy mode.
Yep! ha
Same. I really wanted to love the game! It looks terrific ... but the fucking controls (I had to bring up a guide to tell me what spells do what) and the combat is just too damn hard- even on easy mode. Getting through one fight with 4 spiders shouldn't take 35 minutes.
They don't give a fuck. The game sold well and received a ton of awards... mean while, PC players were given a piece of shit that was promised to be AMAZE SAUCE.
This game is a console port. Period. The HORRIBLE camera views and SHITTY SHIT UI makes this game stand out as the worst console port of the year. The inventory is impossible to understand as is the crafting system. There are no tooltips. The combat is pretty hard to navigate. Tactical view? Forget it.