
Well, you are a doctor. Hm….forty-five?

It means I'm gonna blast the happiest, most uplifting music I can find on my hard drive at my neighbors the very second these fucking assholes get removed from office like the fucking infected toenails they are.

NCIS is the show with the one with the I-can't-believe-that's-regulation Goth chick and the hacky British forensic psychologist and the smokin' hot Israeli babe who I sort of wish would slap me around while cursing me in a language that contains lots of harsh consonant sounds, right? Not a fan of that one.

The Second World War must have been a total bummer. Some people just wanted to read about swing tunes or the hot new hair trends for sexually repressed emotionally bruised housewives or look at the thinly veiled sex fantasies of pervert cartoon artists in the local booklet of superhero adventures but then it was

Shit, buddy. You need to sit down? Maybe chill out a while? Oh, and I love you very much for writing that.

The fact that I was thinking the same thing means that I need more friends in real life.

This guy has that same weird reptoid look that Eric Trump has.

I don't know that one. But having spent the 90s as a teen in South America and having been a frequent watcher of MTV Latino, I consider them personal enemies, though I did see them live once 'cause their ain't shit to do in La Paz, Bolivia on the weekends and, anyway, my friends were going.

You can like it all you want. I can understand how somebody could. I can certainly understand how it could have blown a billion minds back in 1967: the album certainly sounds like its own sound world. But it's really not my thing.

I kinda sorta agree, and I love that album. "Good Morning Captain may be one of my fave songs of all time, so it's kinda natural that the rest of the album seems like kind of an afterthought. And it is a six-track album where three of the tracks are quiet breathers that get you ready for the real show.

I probably would!

I was wondering about that one, too. I suppose the album does get by on mythos, but justthe fact that it's got "Nosferatu Man" and "Good Morning, Captain" puts it among the greats. These chicks can go back to listening to Natalie Merchant's "Tigerlilly."

I don't know if I'd consider it bad. Undeniably influential, but overrated, maybe? I feel the same way about the Sex Pistols album, actually.

Completely justified. Beyond "A Day in the Life" the album is entirely skippable if you're not into the whole music hall side of the Beatles. All of the best stuff from those sessions endued up on Magical Mystery Tour, including "Strawberry Fields Forever" and "Penny Lane". The songwriting on the non-singles is really

Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel
Sex Gang Children
Dayglo Abortions
The Crucifux
The Inalienable Right to Eat Fred Astaire's Asshole (currently known as the Butthole Surfers)

Do you like, know some guys?

Not in our rightist populist times. "Smug" is about the worst thing you can be these days. What, you think yoah bettah than me?

Ah. Okay. No wonder I don't know the guy. Haven't bought a hip hop record in a while. There are too many words in 'em for me these days. I'm gettin' all dub reggae, neoclassical, and IDM over here.

It probably is both, sadly.

I've got DM's 2CD greatest hits comp, and I think it's fine. But the remix compilations they've put out are enough to make an IDM/electronic music dweeb spooge his underoos. The list of talent on those is enormous. Clark's remix of "Freestate," Renegade Soundwave's version of "I Feel You," DJ Shadow's version of