
That campaign promise was one of the only two reasons I voted for you.

Republicanism is like a dozen donuts on a table where a rich guy, a poor white guy, and a poor black guy are sitting. The rich guy comes, takes 11 donuts, then says to the poor white guy “that black guy wants your donut!”

It’s Bill Maher, nothing has changed, you’ve just finally understood that perhaps Maher is just a shitty person who thinks too highly of himself.  He’s generally been good enough to mix in enough liberal-esque, or libertarian leanings and self congradulatory comments in between the idiot crazy that he convinces people

Perhaps one day we’ll get a fighting game with every video game character named Zero all duking it out to be the number 1 Zero.

You beat me to it - but I’m reading it a different way. A choreographic work has to be more than a simple dance routine, which the Copyright Office has stated to be “Individual movements or dance steps by themselves are not copyrightable, such as the basic waltz step, the hustle step, the grapevine, or the second

It’d be a shame to get spoiled so close to the end.

I think a major issue with this is unlike Nintendo Sony has actually been good with selling PSX games online. As such if you’re interested in the old school games a lot of us likely already have our favorites off the PSN. Like the PSX was a gold mine for classic JRPGs that are not on the retro console but I’ve already

I’m probably part of the minority here, but I’m actually on board with GDQ not acting until they have they can verify the claims being made first.  Their post seemed like they were acknowledging their awareness of the claims, but it seems much of the community wanted them to pass judgement as their first response.

Was told on here some time ago something along the lines of I am a horrible person and possibly a suggestion to go kill myself or die, and it was because divulged I am a nurse and work at a hospital(a nurse working in the setting we all train in and where the most sick people are, crazy). And even worse is that as a

Humanity has experimented over the years with how to maintain forested areas in dry spots that are close to human habitats. The results of our efforts have been mixed, at best. The “let it burn” policy resulted in mudslides and, in some cases, loss of life and habitat destruction. The “suppress all fires” policy

I really doubt Nintendo gives a shit about the self-inflicted angst of redditors.

Despite being an assist trophy, I will go to my grave being salty that Alucard is not a character, but we get two Belmonts (and yes, I get that one is an echo). Just give me Alucard in all the games, please.

I like Smash ok, but I really fucking hate the fanbase. This game has literally every Smash character ever, plus a decent amount of new ones, and they’re still constantly disappointed by every single announcement.

Wow, who would have guessed that in the year 2018, taking a Bigfoot-quality picture with a modern smartphone that somehow comes out blurry, zoomed-out, and largely indiscernible would turn out to be a fake?  WHO INDEED WOULD HAVE GUESSED THAT?  If only there were some sort of precedent that blurry, bad photos are

Nah, it doesn’t just sound like “kinda eh”, it sounds like absolute fuckin’ trash. I may be thirsty for more Monster Hunter in my life, but I’m not thirsty enough to give money to one of the biggest hacks in Hollywood. Do call me tho, once Anderson starts giving a shit about the quality of his work, and about the

im so sick of bankruptcy being blamed on public sector unions.  Cities and states consistently underfunded and mismanaged pension programs.  THen they blame people who have been in the system for 10 plus years for not wanting to shift over to a 401k.  The old agreement was that people went to work for the government

Still upset that the sequel doesn’t dwell deeper into videogames and that the movie isn’t called just “Ralph Wrecks the Internet”

If they had to push through unboxing, reactions, and let’s plays to get to something they thought was good, I’m prooooobably going to give this one a pass.

I’m hoping this’ll be good but..