
So is now the time we remind Cheetolini’s followers that he promised the death penalty for drug dealers? I feel like now is a good time.

Qwhite unsurprising.

I don’t know why the goddamn fuck this guy has to resign and the pig shit in the white house doesn’t.

I had the same thought. Like, he shouldn’t be out here cheating, but that’s between him and his wife. What does that have to do with his job?

The only part that maybe explains the resignation to me was if he was forced to resign because of the use of hotel rooms paid for by the school or per the tweet the “taxpayers”. Otherwise, I can’t figure it out. Him saying he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to find another job makes me think his resignation wasn’t

Thank You! Since when do personal private affairs automatically indicate how you behave in any other part of your life?

That’s what frustrates me about these “well he never did anything bad to me” letters. Because obviously people are not either all bad or all good. Every single one of us as a person has been undeservedly shitty to at least one other person in our lives. Even if we’re saints 99% of the time, I guarantee each one of has

“a man of tremendous decency and integrity.”

I am an old guard of the double space period and also a firm believer in the Oxford comma. Come at me bro.

...wait, what sort of heathen doesn’t use 2 spaces?

they’re trying to take Cosby’s legacy from him.

Hey Mika, can you give me a list of single, barren women in the administration that it is okay to trash? 

Why is her marriage or her children relevant? She wasn’t criticized for her looks, she was criticized for lying to the American people on a daily basis to support an administration that is racist, xenophobic, corrupt, and inept. Is she a professional who has a powerful job for which she should be held accountable,

I think the key thing you are missing there is the whole “Whose a nerf herder?” problem.

That was an epic critique of cable news right to their face. Even though the room was not laughing....I was.

People keep claiming that Wolf makes fun of Sarah Slanders’ physical appearance, and I’m still trying to figure out where she does that. The smoky eyes and Aunt Lydia jokes were so fucking obviously about the lies and the bullshit.

She does it all of the time spamming other people’s comments with the same post in a thread. It’s weird; it will never stop being weird. If she wants a blog, that’s great, but don’t go around spamming everyone else with a full blog-post’s worth of shit.

It takes a real professional to file a dispatch after being guillotined, though.