
There’s a photo of him in white tie, possibly the same topcoat and pants, at the 2016 Al Smith dinner. (link to 2016 US magazine article, sadly with an autoplay video) A twitterer hypothesized that he hadn’t worn tails since; then, in his habitual lack of preparation Individual-1 discovered rather late in the game

Dr. Jen Gunter goes after any tweets or pronouncements referring to an embryonic “heartbeat”, providing the medically accurate term - fetal pole cardiac activity.

And as is typical, he doesn’t comprehend that the UN in its current location has contributed to the desirability, salability, and profitability of local real estate ... for YEARS.

TLDR: 2+2+1= 5; Melania is in the middle because Philip retired, Charles is there as the senior male royal, and going stag probably wasn’t an option for the married heir apparent.

He’s not alone in thinking that the current Republican caucuses are caucuses and not cabals. One of the Dem governors running in the primary, Hickenlooper IIRC, has been talking as if Congressional GOP is the same as the state reps he dealt with. Seriously?

Yes. Needs less length and to be more mushroom-like. Perhaps the Brits didn’t hear about the mushroom details. If so, lucky them.

Not to mention “pique.”

Anniversaries of a death are weird. Some years I forget entirely until a relative sends me a “thinking of you” message. Other years I ached for someone with whom to share memories.

I’m donning my flame-proof suit after posting this comment. Pulp for paper comes from trees that are grown specifically for that purpose. The main difference from agri-food cash crops is the longer planting-to-harvest cycle. The environmental dangers from pulp- and paper-making are from chemicals and energy used in

21st century version: When you lie down with Trumps, you get up with debts and indictments.

When I heard/saw Stern talking about this I wondered — again — about the HRC campaign comms leadership. Not a single aide had a couple of hours to inquire about Stern’s intent or to watch/listen to his long interviews on satellite? Unexamined assumptions about the past (Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania) dictating the

I like the inscribed book idea. My extended family covets birthday cards from one of my uncles, a watercolor painter. He pastes a carefully selected section of his discards as the “cover” image. My mom saves all of hers and put 4 that coordinated in a collage frame. His oldest brother gave him hell for giving a card

Surprising that she hasn’t threatened lawsuits against the sites posting these horrible videos, as she did in 2011 after Red State published a column mocking her writing style with the byline “Totally Meghan McCain.” (discussion at Perhaps she’s learned about the Streisand effect.

Gentleman Son of a donor Cs

Barr should hope his Dark Lord & Dear Leader doesn’t see this drumpfian word salad with better words as a threat to his incoherence supremacy.

Wish I could find the reply tweet that said, “Tragic Sans.”

Apparently her father encouraged her to jump from her Fox gig to The View. Your task: consider how best to express your gratitude.

Still with the PR and image management, vis looking like she’s changed” and “wants people to think she is interested in her education.” USC should give her a permanent hard pass.

My father learned a trick in physiotherapy - go down stairs backwards. It’s slow and looks odd in public but it keeps him safe and his eighty-two-year-old knees intact.

Me: 6'2" woman.  Most wanted T-shirt: Don’t mention my height & I won’t mention your bad manners.