
Saw a twitter reference to Shapiro which you might appreciate:
con-smurf-ative (credit The Hoarse Whisperer)

I agree with Ello Asty, “twerp” is the perfect word. He’s not serious enough to deserve strong or vulgar epithets, only dismissive ones.

A never-trump former Republican has written a book about this phenomenon: Everything Trump Touches Dies.

Not to mention that Clinton has virtually no credible platform to be speaking about any man’s mistreatment, harassment, abuse, or assault of a woman.

David is unlikely. Edward VIII also the Duke of Windsor, a Nazi-sympathizer and the Queen’s uncle, was known in the family as David.

I had that thought too. The paleness of his complexion prompted my reaction.

I love what she said, probably more than once, about her appearance, “It costs a lot of money to look this cheap.” Great sense of humor about herself and show business.

Anderson has a fantastic line in that a Season 1 episode about the subject and object of a sentence where fucking is the predicate. Her delivery is every bit as contemptuous as the other character deserves.

Maya - as others have said, those individuals are assholes. Look for people who offer help or give you a hard time when you DON’T ask for help. Those are friends. Take care of yourself.

Update: procedure completed.
Verdict: awkward and I should have asked to place the device.
Reinforced: Being told “Relax” isn’t an effective method to get me to relax.

You are a wild and crazy guy.

My condolences on 4 years of Kenney. My fellow citizens saw fit to elect the former Etobicoke Drug Lord and perennial simpleton, Doug Ford.

Eh, his favorable comment about interest rates in China are all about his own debt and the interest he won’t be able to afford to pay.

Imagine if Bowling Green S.U. had been competitive!

Trump administration: Knowledge is irrelevant.

Never studied subjunctive in English, but did when learning a second language. Pairing the term with “scaling” makes no sense.

It’s worse than Rob Ford winning an election, it’s his brother Doug aka Premier Drug Lord. Rob, incompetent as he was as mayor and troubled as an individual, had a certain likeability. Doug is straight-up unmitigated asshole.

I guess alcohol consumption temporarily ages men in this aspect. Many’s the dude who has loudly shared his ignorance after several pints pitchers.

jem - definitely helpful. Pelvic exams and PAP tests have never bothered me despite my mental response (“fuck, this is weird”) to the physical vulnerability. It’s good to have a sense that the TVUS is likely to be similar. Thanks!

Adastra - thanks! I’ve never had a problem with any procedure requiring a speculum so it’s good to know this is likely to be similar.