
Oh god when my mum makes a buffet it still looks like this

What is with the deluge of people comparing stuff to Hitler recently? We have had two major stories in the UK - see below - and now this. It is just never a good look, no matter what point you are trying to make.…

I know it's been said before but boy, could Liz Taylor wear a tiara.

Does this help?

I get that two but then realised that swiping on the picture not only moves to the next one but also opens up the full size version. Any help?

I have never seen this show (because UK) but I am deeply ashamed to say that I immediately recognised Ashley from an episode of Say Yes To The Dress when she was looking for a halter neck wedding dress and seemingly only the most boob-revealing one available would do. I need to rethink my life.

My parents have zero imagination so used my middle name, which is also my Mum’s middle name, as my little sister’s first name. My first name is both my grandmothers’ first name (which is quite cool) and my sis’ middle name is her aunt’s first. I mean I get honouring family members but at a certain point you have to

I’m with you. Have never got more than one bite of a banana past my lips, they are the devil’s fruit

The best moment of the London Olympics was the Queen with James Bond in the opening ceremony. Now she is joking around with the Obamas. I am in clover. How can I decide which is better?? What a lady (PS she reminds me of my late Nana who was also a vet which makes her even cooler)

Yup, and the same to people who think ‘natural’ remedies are better than conventional medicine because they have less chemicals. Guess what, idiots, naturally occurring chemicals also exist and the wrong one can be just as bad for you as a man-made one!

I don’t get it, Feyoncé just sounds lame. Why not just use a better name that isn't obviously riding her coat tails?

Students are definitely worse in the UK since tuition fees went up. My sis is a PhD student with extensive work experience tutoring post-grads who are so entitled it is not real. They complain about everything, one guy using an example of “when I taught people to use machine guns...” to illustrate how he thought an

Oh god, this ties for worst food ever with the time I saw a guy fry bacon and a banana in like an inch of oil and fat, and put them in a sandwich with a melted cheese slice on top. For clarity, I think bananas are evil and their sight, smell, taste or sound (of one being peeled or chewed) makes me want to hurl. So

I likewise know next to nothing about figure skating, but I am lapping up the coverage of this competition, the skaters are incredible! And so are the costumes - any chance of a Jezebel-style feature on the outfits like you do for the Oscars etc?

I have CFS, which made me depressed. I take anti-depressants and have psychologist-delivered CBT. That helped the depression, not the CFS. I have no problem with saying I have depression, I do have a problem with people whether medically qualified or otherwise making sweeping statements about conditions on which there

Sounds great! I feel sad when people judge people’s weddings whether for being non-trad or full-on fairy princess. The reality of our wedding was that much as hubby and I wanted the day our way, it turned into a family decision because certain relatives could not countenance a wedding without their favourite

I have thought about this a lot. I was a very timid, shy child although I only remember my parents encouraging me to do the things that scared me. A lot of growing up was spent pushing myself to do things that terrified me but would be considered character building like performing or speaking in public - but there

Oh this article! I cried and cried with laughter as I read it. “These ingredients are all pantry staples...” “I chase it with three quinton shots...” (not the same as tequila, love). But the best was when I looked up her precious bee pollen (surely made by flowers, not bees?) on her website and got this description:

It was my birthday yesterday and i got lots of cards. They all said nice things but when I put them in a row on the mantel I was horrified what a parade of sugary, baby pink they made. Apart from my sister who got me a non-birthday card in green - it’s my favourite.

I actually stumbled on this article during an ad break in the middle of a re-run of As Time Goes By (Judi Dench forever, the woman can do no wrong) and now the universe feels spooky.