
Ha! A colored person in prison! That'll be the day.

Didn't bother me either, and I'm one of those who saw the original SW in '77 (not that makes me an expert or anything; just an opinion from someone who's been there since the beginning). If the animation is on par with Rogue One or, say, Kingsglaive, I'm fine with it.

Anyone else think Zach De La Rocha needs to maybe stop getting invited?

Love El to death, but I've got to include Pete Rock in this discussion.

I've tried to count the times El says "hey" on this album, but I've lost count. That said, I'm loving every minute of it.

So high now
Hoping that I land
On a Thai stick
Moving thru Thailand

So yeah, when RTJ3 came out, I ran around screaming "best Christmas present ever." Boy was I so fucking and severely wrong. Fuck 2016. Fuck it completely.


I think my reaction had more to do with the Alien interrupting a sex scene with its tail.

The Alien tail coming up between the two in the shower.

Nice nod to tentacle porn, there, Ridley.

Best. Christmas. Present. Ever.

You are one with The Force and The Force is with you.

Saw it today. Going again on Sunday. Twice. The last 30 minutes of RO are some of the best Star Wars I've ever seen.

No Rami on this list? For reals?

Or, you know, maybe they'll actually like the movieā€¦

"Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you."

Peter Travers liked it, the site you're commenting on liked it, the Telegraph liked it, the Daily Beast liked it, and so did Variety. That says something, too, right?

So you find one shitty review and stick with that and any differing opinion/review doesn't mean anything because The New Yorker said so? Is that the gist you're providing here?

Sounds like they think he caught the gay.