
Furthering your point, I listened to the songs offered in this list for the ones I've never heard of, and to be honest, being that out of touch isn't such a bad thing.

Chance and Kanye over Tribe and Aesop. L O Fucking L.

"Jack Posobiec"

I'm glad Mike Brown decided to waste another year of AJ Green's career. Sigh, thanks solely to our owner, being a Bengals fan is right up with every other miserable NFL fanbase. Except Cleveland.

"By the way, he voted for Hillary."

Kinda like Trump's "donations" to veterans, right?

Was Birthday of a Nation about 4th of July and fireworks and stuff?

You would think rebels who actually succeeded in stealing the plans for the Death Star would be celebrated members of the Rebellion (kinda like Wedge was) instead of confined to some retconned background.

SOMETHING'S gotta happen to this group at the end because they don't seem to be apart of the story going forward. Whether they imply that Vader kills them or actually show it, it really seems like it's going to be a "one story only" for this particular cast.

I have no idea if this is going to happen or not, but watching Vader walk in like he was pissed gets me really stoked at the idea of him showing up at the end and wiping out our plucky band of rebels right after they broadcast the plans to Princess Leia.

And characters like that don't have backstories? Or events weren't referenced we haven't seen? I mean, there's a direct history as to why the first Death Star was blown up to begin with. What's wrong with telling the story that explains how these plans were acquired? I really can't tell what some of you folks

He doesn't seem the kind of person who'd bullshit like that about rights, especially coming from his side of the fence.

Paper Boi did make the point of saying he didn't want anyone's rights taken away. And that's as important as being ambivalent about something that really has no impact on your day-to-day life.

I think he was supposed to come across as public access quality. Maybe he did his job too well.

She REALLY needs a nightly show.

How's that Sociology 101 class going for you?

SWEET SISTER!!! (No "Sweet Christmas" yet, but it's still early).

It's not her fault she won the nomination is it?


"I guess they ultimately want Tyrell."