
It would help if they'd put it on Netflix as well as Prime. This show lends itself to binge mania, and more people have Netflix.

Even when Elliot was in control, he really wasn't. In the previous episode when he was following Mr Robot around without being noticed, the illusion of control was given. The thing is, if Elliot really was in control, all of the memories of Stage 2 and Tyrell would have come rushing back. That clearly did not happen.

Both Mr Robot and Atlanta are on at 10pm EST…

Meeting a fellow Linux user has that effect.

What's even weirder is on FX, they don't edit the "fucks" in Atlanta at all. I guess the question is, why does/can FX do it but USA not?

And she goaded him perfectly into said reaction. Brilliant.

I guess it's because I live near the south but that's reason enough for many in my area not to tune in…

Yes sir, I did and I maintain that the reasons you gave against Clinton sound an awful lot like what every Trump voter says when asked about their choice. Of course, when pressed to provide specific examples, they can't.

Do you really think Trump supporters are watching a show that has The Roots as the house band?

In other words, more bullshit innuendo from people trying to justify voting Trump.

I mean, I'm all in with the New Edition fam getting theirs in whatever form they want, but I'm torn here. It's too "new" sounding for them. That said, it's good seeing the crew again.

I know that, especially with the Banner gang and Hawkeye. Fox, however, does have access to characters that could replace the important ones from the TPB. When they announced The Reavers would be in it, that's a suitable replacement for the Banner gang. Use someone like Cyclops or Rogue for Hawkeye's part and you have

This doesn't sound like Old Man Logan at all.

Vincent Vega and Jules Winfield.

Very true.

I totally messed up on the video tape reveal. I really thought Darlene and Cisco would've destroyed it when they burned Jacobs' dead body. That'll teach me to assume with this show. If Esmail didn't show it, it didn't happen. That applies to the Tyrell situation as well.

Fantastic call on the video tape, Slam. I just assumed they burned them with the body. ;)

Well, they didn't actually show them destroy them on this particular trip, but I think it was implied because they used the crematorium in a previous episode. I would think Darlene and Cisco were thorough when they wiped down the apartment, but then again, you never know.

Or is that just one of the many videotapes they destroy at the crematorium?

LOL. Some slump. Anyway, you have at least another season to look forward to because USA already renewed for S3.