
At least they streamed everything this time. Baby steps, folks.

Considering everything that was revealed to be jail—his ritual, Leon, the church circle—has been going on since the first episode of the second season, I think it's safe to take that as fact. Altho with this show, you never know.

My favorite thing that (kind of) came from the movie:

"Imperial flags reign across the galaxy." Um, flags can't fucking reign…

Mom's pretty damn hot.

So they're mad at the critic score aggregator and not the critics who made the score what it is—or, you know, the people who made the damn movie? That really takes a special kind of brilliance.

Aesop Rock - The Impossible Kid

Someone should split-screen Jon reacting to everything from the Trump machine for the next few months. Hell, CNN, give him $50 mil and you'd have a ratings coup on your hands.

Dominique's reaction kinda gives credence to the simplicity of "hiding in plain sight."

So I'm guessing Elliot is not in an institution and he's really experiencing this, well, about as much as one can experience delusions and split personalities…

I just wear Star Wars Ts to concerts now. Conversely, I wear the concert Ts I have to the Star Wars/geek-related stuff I do. It kinda works itself out…

Goddamn, I love their hair. Go figure.

Even Esmail himself said this show was inspired by Fight Club. It's up to you to decide what's homage and what's a ripoff, I guess.

Doesn't Darlene's "that's not important right now" kind of blow the asylum theory up a bit? I guess if Mobley wasn't aware of the situation and Darlene didn't want to tell him, maybe not, but that's a few ifs, right? How would Mobley not know, considering how connected all of them are?

Why does it have to be "shaming?" I pretty much took her actions as a "Fine. If you think I'm taking evil side and a whore? I'll show just how much I've changed by sleeping with this random dude;" something that goes against the character we were shown in Season 1. It was almost an affirmation of her new self, at

Whoa. At the :58 second mark, the dude skeeving up on our heroine is the "HEY RAHDGERSSS!!!" dude from the State Farm/Aaron Rodgers commercials.

Who then auctioned the gun off after it was ruled he was just "standing his ground," or something similar.

And this is the best anti-cocaine ad in history:

Saw Aesop Rock in Knoxville last night. It was an awesome show.

I wish Sons of Anarchy would've stopped WAAAAAAAY before season 7. Unfortunately, I didn't stop watching it until it was over.