
I just bought Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion from the Steam sale and downloaded the 2 gig Star Wars mod. I probably won't see the outside again until the fireworks go off Monday night.

Yes, I know that Marvel has a stable of titles that one person could not do by themselves. One can dream, tho, especially when Esad Ribic is involved.

Marvel just needs to go ahead and have Esad draw, well, everything for them.

Is that on SS or ILM?

Hey, man. He was trained by Louis Gossett Jr. What more do you want?

I've read this review twice and still have no idea what this movie is about. That said, I really want to see it, so that's good, right?

Shouldn't this movie pretty much end with Vader killing the crew who steals the plans and then boarding the Star Destroyer to go after Leia's ship? Hell, have the last shot of RO be the first shot in ANH…

I really don't understand the point of pulling stuff off of Netflix. No one is going to use the up-and-coming streaming service you're trying to start (ask Tidal), and if DVD sales are the motivator, looking at the dates of the movies being removed, the people who want them probably already have them.

Not at all. That's why I emphasized the "they".

"If he's not an option, they genuinely see no difference between a Clinton and a Trump Presidency."

His point remains.

I've literally just started (I don't binge read, I space it out over the course of a few days), and I'm happy with it. He world-builds with pace, and that's something I enjoy about him. Then again, I loved NOS4A2, so we may see thing differently here. That said, I am curious to see where he's going with it, because

The Fireman. So far, so good.

Dude, what the fuck is going on with this calendar year? I can't handle much more of this shit…

FIRE BAD!!!!!!!!!

Exactly this.


Maybe Disney wants Jyn Erso to look at the camera and say, "I've got a bad feeling about this."

"What the hell is 'fiddle-faddle'?"

He didn't make Al lose the popular vote, either. Oh, wait… Too bad that doesn't count in the Presidential election.