
I only read the first volume of the comic, but I loved the premiere episode. Count me in for more.

That she has nice breasteses. That's about all I got from that review.

Even that. It just never clicked with me. I get that folks enjoy it and him a great deal, but his work just never hit me (except his first song, Ain't No N****a)…

Jay-Z's work. Just about all of it.

More great stuff by the Mic Bizarro himself. I'm enjoying the hell out of this release.

I got the album in the mail today.

Or you are obtusely ignoring it and/or interpreting it another way. Whatevs. Either way is fine w/me.

Really? It can't mean this instead: You know, people shouldn't talk about her (OR ANYONE) like that, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT I do not like her behavior either… ? It really can't mean that? Or does everyone who's been responding to me automatically assume the "but" in my initial statement meant it was okay to say

Too bad the comprehension of WHAT I said eluded you. Completely. In other words, you're just looking to argue on the Internet.

You clearly have no idea about who it is I'm talking about, and that's fine. I guess your Google is broken. And please, point out where I said she should be talked to that way. She's a muckraking hypocrite, and nothing I said deviated from that, nor did it support talking to her in that manner.

And so is Sarah Spain. So I guess we're both in the wrong.

Is that what I said? Or did I find Sarah Spain disingenuous? If you can't differentiate between the two, don't even bother responding. Find someone else to troll.

Ah, the Sarah Spain conundrum… No one deserves to be talked to in such a manner (male, female, transgender, black, white, red, brown [and the purple and yellow, but first, I gotta bang, bang the boogie to the boogie, say up jump the boogie to the bang, bang boogie]), but I've always found her to be the type to play

So you review this but not Aesop's new (and far superior) outing? That makes sense.

Hmm. That's actually not bad…

Karl's chin alone demands as much.

So maybe The Raid copied Dredd… I realize that goes against the trope that follows the latter, but the timeline Dragon mentioned leans more towards The Raid being in the facsimile role.

Every time there is a woman in strong movie role, especially action, people like to trip over themselves to acknowledge it and praise those who created it as groundbreaking. It happened with Sigourney after Aliens and it will happen the next time a woman plays a badass in a movie "aimed at men." Does that say

Isn't it time for Cedric to drop "the Entertainer" from his name? It worked fine when he was doing stand-up, but now it just seems excessive…

Same old Williams.